With BitFlow GmbH as a partner, the Schlütersche Mediengruppe has concluded a successful deal! We were given the opportunity to professionally accompany the acquisition of the majority shareholding with the technical due diligence of the target company.

BitFlow GmbH thoroughly examined the technical infrastructure, the software architecture, the code and much more, with the aim of identifying risks and weaknesses and evaluating the technological integration. Based on the results of BitFlow GmbH's audit, Schlütersche Mediengruppe was able to make a decision on the acquisition.
The future collaboration will center on the COCO marketing system. This software-as-a-service solution enables companies to manage all aspects of their digital marketing and all interactions with their customers online via a digital control center. COCO, which stands for Communication Cockpit, was developed by The Digital Architects and bundles a comprehensive content and communication offering in one central location. With the software, companies and self-employed individuals can design their corporate website, operate blogs, use forms to acquire contacts, send newsletters, make their campaign management more efficient, and much more.
About Schlütersche Media Group
As a media service provider for medium-sized companies, the Schlütersche Media Group designs advertising and marketing concepts - digital, print or cross-media, all from a single source. It creates reach via business directories, websites and online advertising.
It also has extensive industry knowledge: Around 35 trade magazines and newspapers, online media, numerous books and leading trade events are part of its portfolio.
In addition to its headquarters in Hanover, the Schlütersche Media Group is represented at numerous locations throughout Germany.
About The Digital Architects GmbH
The Digital Architects (TDA) describe themselves as "architects for digital projects and digital business models" and support companies in strategy development as well as conception and implementation of their digital projects. Their goal is to exploit the digital potential of their clients and to realize unique "customer experiences" for users and customers.
Complementing the agency business, TDA is developing the Communication Cockpit "COCO", a marketing system for small businesses and freelancers that makes digital communication simple(r). The goal is to give companies that do not necessarily have a focus on communication and advertising in their daily work the opportunity to make digital communication the engine for their success.
About BitFlow GmbH
We are a team of passionate tech specialists and business experts. Our customers value our work for being thorough, precise, and because we offer a deep-dive analysis of a company’s digital assets.
With our modular Tech Due Diligence report, we offer private equity and venture capital investors a flexible way to truly understand their target and pinpoint potential risks and opportunities for improvement and scalability, even before the investment is complete.Wir sind Vorreiter im Bereich der digitalen
We are at the forefront of the digital investment sphere and create a bridge between business, technology and our investors. De-risk your tech-investment with BitFlow.